Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Olivia!

Caroline riding the luggage cart in the hotel!!!!!! She had a BALL in the hotel.
Little Olivia turns 1!!!!

Sweet Christy, Me, and Devin

Little Candace and Little Dev!!!

On Friday we took a quick and I mean quick trip to Birmingham to help little Olivia Pontarelli celebrate her 1st birthday party. It was so great seeing everybody! I love those people!!!!! And am so proud of the life of Olivia Pontarelli!

Thanksgiving and Gingerbread Houses!

The finished product~
Precious Angel having a little capri sun!

Gay Gay helped them make the lil Ginger Bread Houses. They worked so HARD!

Even Davie got in on the fun. Caroline was so sick, though. She coughed and coughed and coughed. I thought we were going to have to come back home the next day but she bounced right back. We took it easy Friday. I guess EK and Tay have a way of making her do that!!!

Giving Thanks with the Family!!!

Caroline is ready for some prime rib!!!
We all had the stomach virus and decided to forgo the traditional meal until the weekend at the Bensons. Dave instead cooked a nice prime rib!

So thankful Nana is better!!!

After watching the parade we headed down to AL!