Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More on CGB!

So to update, she is really communicating more each day. She responds well to general commands....bring me this or that. No, give this to Daddy. She will "give the baby sippy", and "hug the baby", or "love the baby", she LOVES her bunny. We hold and love bunny every night before she goes to bed. She knows a lot of words....mama, dada, nini, nana, baby, balloon, gaga, gaygay, papa, mema (emma). And several others.

She can also make animal noises of snake, cat, pig, and occasionally a horse:). She LOVES her baby dolls, banans, milk, and straw sippy cup. She can also identify her ears, head, and belly button. She loves her mommy and daddy too! We can just tell!!! She squeals when she hears the garage open and says Daddy..Daddy or Mama, Mama depending on who is there and who is coming home from work.

JOY is the only word to describe what she brings to my DAILY life. We love her more than words can say...