Sunday, May 16, 2010

Walking with a Purpose

So, I was running errands the other afternoon and noticed every middle schooler in town was at this little yogurt place called Yogli Mogli---After a twist of the arm, Dave and I took off on a wild pursuit to taste this rather POPULAR place. It really is an adorable little concept. I am not a HUGE fan of yogurt so I dont get the obsession (give me some Cold Stone Creamery) but anyway the concept is great. They have a million flavors and you can choose whatever you want and fix it I said GREAT idea for those little people in your life known as kids!

ByeBye Bottles :(

Oh Mom, please don't make leave the play ground and ride in this car!

I'll just drink my milk in my sippy to comfort myself!!!!!!

It's official-precious angel from heaven had her last bottle two nights ago at 12.5 months. As most of you know, pediatricians recommend whole milk in a sippy at 12 months. The process was fairly easy for Caroline. Starting at about 11 months I started taking away a "feeding" here and there and instead offering the sippy. Her biggest adjustment was at 12 months when I took away her morning bottle. She did not want anything to drink and went a couple of days drinking VERY little. Then it literally seemed like overnight she started downing her sippy full of whole milk. I knew the time was right for our little evening ritual to change and so it more bottle warming or formula. No more secured rocking sessions...and though, my little one is still little she is just a little closer to becoming a little girl!!! So SAD!! It seems like yesterday I was stressing about which ones to use and NOW she is not even taking one........why must they grow up SOOOOOOOO FAST?!!!!