Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm Smiling

Who would have thought a toothless grin would be so cute? Caroline is smiling all the time!!!1

Friday, May 29, 2009

A BIG Help and Caroline Goes to the MALL!

This past week I had a 6 year older babysitter by the name of Emma Katherine Holley spendthe week with me! She helped me the entire week getting passies and diapers and running things up and down my two story house. As a result, she earned a nice sum money and spent it at where else but Gymboree, oh and on some "bath"products.
Robin and Mom came to get Emma and we had our first outing to the MALL!!!!! Wow- it was weird to be in the mall with MY baby! For sooo many years I would zip in and out of the no time running in one store and out and trying on this and that....this trip....I didnt go in many stores...and didnt try on ONE thing. I did however buy some shoes. Funny thing, I didnt really want to mainly because I am still trying to lose some of this baby weight. Caroline slept through the whole afternoon. She doesnt know it yet but I bet the mall will be one place she will come to enjoy in just a few years. Maybe it is something between Moms and daugters, but growing up I LOVED to go the mall with Mom. Eastdale and Montgomery Malls were the places to BE!! Maybe Perimeter will be like that for Cara!
Thanks Emma for all your help. I will miss you next week my little angel!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day and Happy 1 Month!

My Baby is growing like a weed!! She was 4weeks on Monday! Hasn't she grown!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so in love and watching her change daily. Alert, Alert, Alert!!!! She is focusing and looking all around and evening smiling at me! I could literally eat her!

Caroline's First Road Trip!

Ok-So, I ventured out of Atlanta onto 285 and then 85 with the help of my dear Mother-in-law as the escort on a quest for Tallassee. Caroline did a marvelous job going down to T-town and visiting her NIECES!!! This was Caroline's first trip to Tallassee and her first chance to meet Emma Kate and Taylor. As you can see from the pics, the look on their faces when they first saw her was priceless! They oohhed and awed for HOURS! Fighting over who was going to get her passy or diaper. We really had a great week!!!
Thanks for your help girls!

Caroline Changed her mind about Bath Time!

OK-so a Leah Litton gave me the advice of heating up the room when bathing the baby. And the other night, Dave and I did just that. We put a floor heater in the kitchen and bathed her on the bar making it VERY warm in the room. She loved it!! The pic above is her trying to find the passy!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Caroline Doesn't Like Bath Time!

Love this picture, though, getting to this was a little stressful. This was only her second bath and she was a little unsure of the process!

Caroline's First Play Date

Last week one of my good friends, Allison, brought her little girl over to "play" with Cara! As you can see, not much playing went on mostly sleepin!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Growing Everyday!

Caroline is changing literally everyday!! I snapped this while she slept last night after dinner with the Bensons and thought it was too cute! She slept and slept only to awaken later on in the evening......

A Mother's Day to Remember

WEll-yesterday was my first Mother's Day. It started with a feeding, we went for a walk, and then we got all dressed up for dinner at the Bensons and ate Shrimp Newberg a Benson specialty. On Saturday, Davie and I took Caroline out for the afternoon. We went to Target, and then strolled around the Avenues, an outdoor mall. We live literally two minutes from the shopping venues so taking her out was really quite easy. What beats the baby blues....a trip to Banana Republic to pick out your Mothers Day gift. Thanks Dad! Oh and Thanks Mom and Robin for the adorable outfit. A little big but sooooo cute!!!

A day in the life of Caroline

These were taken during her first week at home. So precious! So tiring! So wonderful! As you can see we didnt do a lot last week except snuggle and love and I attempted to master nursing. Although, she did have her first doctors appointment which was a little nerve wracking. Lets just say that didn't treat Caroline as delicately as Dave and I do. They were flipping her and tossing her about. Nearly gave me a heart attack! The good news....she is healthy and just right! Other than that, I sat in a chair most of the week recovering and she ate and slept. What else is there to do? She is living the good life!

Monday, May 4, 2009